
Echange avec Sascha


Prénom Alexander
Pays natal FI Finlande
Pays actuel LU Luxembourg
Age 52
Sexe Homme
Langue natale EN Anglais
FI Finnois
RU Russe
SV Suédois
Langues étudiées ES Espagnol
FR Français



I'm travelling a bit again, currently visiting a friend in Luxembourg. I'm a professional linguist and I would like to learn more languages, especially local ones. If you could guide me a little bit and teach me a local language I could teach you e.g. Swedish, Russian, Finnish or English in exchange. I'm mainly looking to meet somebody in person - not just over the Internet. If you need help with IT stuff like Linux, I think I can be of assistance there as well.

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Prénom Alexander
Pays actuel LU Luxembourg
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Get help from your friend to learn foreign languages!