
Echange avec Zojaput


Prénom Zoe
Ville Dublin
Pays natal GR Grèce
Pays actuel IE Irlande
Age 29
Sexe Femme
Langue natale EL Grec moderne
Langues étudiées RU Russe
FR Français



Hello there! I am a lawyer from Thessaloniki, but I have always been very passionate with languages. That's why I studied French, Russian (in Krasnodar city in the profile pic!) and very basic German in university along with my studies. I have book knowledge of them, but I need to speak with natives to clear up my French and build my Russian. In exchange, I can help you practice Greek or English as I have used the latter extensively and now live in an English-speaking country. I love discussing literature, food, travelling, different cultures, food (again), feminism, comedy or anything else that comes up :)

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Prénom Zoe
Ville Dublin
Pays actuel IE Irlande
Langue natale EL Grec moderne
Langues étudiées RU Russe
FR Français
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Get help from your friend to learn foreign languages!