
Echange avec Ttricci


Prénom Ricci
Ville Hong Kong
Pays natal HK Hong Kong
Pays actuel HK Hong Kong
Age 31
Sexe Femme
Langue natale ZC Chinois (Cantonais)
ZH Chinois (Mandarin)
Langues étudiées DA Danois
JA Japonais
KO Coréen
EN Anglais



Nice to meet you all! This is Ricci from Hong Kong. I speak native Cantonese, and I can communicate in English and Mandarin too. I would like to sharpen my English. And I am interested in learning Japanese and Korean, which I only know some very simple words from watching dramas and entertainment shows. Rather than proper teaching and lessons, I prefer relaxing and cool interactions to learn and teach. If you are interested in Chinese and Cantonese and making new local friend in Hong Kong, do not hesitate and come say hi to me!

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Get help from your friend to learn foreign languages!