
Echange avec Tasha42


Prénom Natasha
Pays natal GB Royaume-Uni
Pays actuel GB Royaume-Uni
Age 44
Sexe Femme
Langue natale EN Anglais
Langues étudiées IT Italien
ES Espagnol



I'm Tasha and I'm 42 years old. I've worked in customer service and sales for over 20 years now. I am looking for somebody who can help me with my Italian/Spanish. It is very basic at the moment and I think a native speaker would definitely increase my understanding. I am also very interested in learning more about Italian/Spanish culture, food, history etc. I could, possibly help with UK English in return (I could only choose USA English on the language list for native speakers but I'm from England!!)

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Prénom Natasha
Pays actuel GB Royaume-Uni
Langue natale EN Anglais
Langues étudiées IT Italien
ES Espagnol
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Get help from your friend to learn foreign languages!