
Echange avec Taigi100


Prénom Robert
Pays natal RO Roumanie
Pays actuel RO Roumanie
Age 27
Sexe Homme
Langue natale EN Anglais
RO Roumain
Langues étudiées JA Japonais



Hey, I'm looking to find some friends to speak Japanese to :) I know English and Romanian. Would be interested in both writing as well as some video calls maybe :)

I love video games, I currently work as a programmer (but I have my own business). I also love to make video games :D I enjoy a lot of animes and movies. Recently, started listening to a lot of Japanese music :).

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Prénom Robert
Pays actuel RO Roumanie
Langue natale EN Anglais
RO Roumain
Langues étudiées JA Japonais
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Get help from your friend to learn foreign languages!