
Echange avec Sr7201


Prénom Seb
Ville Gdańsk
Pays natal FR France
Pays actuel PL Pologne
Age 34
Sexe Homme
Langue natale EN Anglais
FR Français
Langues étudiées DE Allemand
PL Polonais



Hello! I am Sébastien, but you should just call me Seb. I've lived my entire life abroad and my family history is as diverse as it is complex. Three years ago, I decided to move to Poland, partly to learn more about the country, but also to try to trace back where my family came from. Before that, I lived in seven different countries - with my first international move when I was one week old.

During the day, I'm a software developer. Outside of that, I'm a budding musician (drums, guitar, bass, chapman stick) and I have what some would call an interesting out-of-work pasttime: I author and publish content on two of the biggest international gaming news websites.

I'm here because neither my work environment nor my social circles allows me to practice Polish, despite living in Poland. In return, I'm more than happy to help you any of the languages I speak (French and English at a native level) ^_^

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Prénom Seb
Ville Gdańsk
Pays actuel PL Pologne
Langue natale EN Anglais
FR Français
Langues étudiées DE Allemand
PL Polonais
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Get help from your friend to learn foreign languages!