
Echange avec Sevenseas


Prénom Mickey
Pays natal DE Allemagne
Pays actuel DE Allemagne
Age 22
Sexe Femme
Langue natale DE Allemand
Langues étudiées EN Anglais
RU Russe
JA Japonais



Hello, I'm Mickey. Nice to meet you!
I'm learning Japanese and would like to use the things I've learned in a conversation. Very beginner level though. Things I know are very few, like how to count, ordering food or buying clothes, but I want to know things like online slang or word plays (things you can't find in books) as well. Learning kanji can be so much fun (if I get myself to do that haha). In the future I would like to be able to read mangas and games in Japanese. I just can't wait until they are translated in a language I understand! >:(
My interests are reading, cute stationary, learning about new things, cats, watching movies and programming.


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Prénom Mickey
Pays actuel DE Allemagne
Langue natale DE Allemand
Langues étudiées EN Anglais
RU Russe
JA Japonais
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