
Echange avec Seoulsistah9


Prénom Kathy
Pays natal US États-Unis
Pays actuel US États-Unis
Sexe Femme
Langue natale EN Anglais
Langues étudiées IT Italien
KO Coréen
ES Espagnol



Hola, ciao, annyeong!

I speak intermediate level Spanish, advanced beginner Italian and beginner Korean.

It always helps to practice all three languages because "you lose it if you don't use it". I especially would like to continue to converse in Italian and Korean.

I currently have a lot of language partners, but sometimes schedules get in the way and there's room for another connection when someone 'drops off' the list.

I use Skype and Kakaotalk.

Gracias, grazie, 감사합니다!

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Prénom Kathy
Pays actuel US États-Unis
Langue natale EN Anglais
Langues étudiées IT Italien
KO Coréen
ES Espagnol
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Get help from your friend to learn foreign languages!