
Echange avec Samsouza


Prénom samara
Ville Fortaleza
Pays natal BR Brésil
Pays actuel BR Brésil
Age 28
Sexe Femme
Langue natale PT Portugais
Langues étudiées EN Anglais



Hello, ✋ My name is Samara, and nowadays I'm diving into English to pursue my dream of doing a PhD abroad. I'm a biologist with a master's degree in veterinary science. My days are filled with studying and checking out doctoral programs. Exciting times!🌏✈📚🐏


insta: @samara_scientist

Are you studying the ielts test? I'd love to talk to you and exchange experiences about the test.

I'm just here to improve my English, I like to be corrected when I'm wrong. I can help you in Portuguese :).

Ps: I'm not looking for a boyfriend, I'm married. I simply want a partner to help me improve my English. I am a serious person and I'm here to learn.

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Prénom samara
Ville Fortaleza
Pays actuel BR Brésil
Langue natale PT Portugais
Langues étudiées EN Anglais
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