
Echange avec Rahmaash


Prénom Rahma
Pays natal EG Égypte
Pays actuel EG Égypte
Age 24
Sexe Femme
Langue natale AR Arabe
Langues étudiées KO Coréen
TR Turc
EN Anglais



Hey there , My name is Rahma and I am interested in learning about different cultures , languages and connecting with people all over the world. I Need to improve my English and practice it more , So if u a native speaker of English I hope u help me, I can help you in anything about Arabic .So If you want to start learning Arabic or if you want to improve your Arabic, just text me

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Prénom Rahma
Pays actuel EG Égypte
Langue natale AR Arabe
Langues étudiées KO Coréen
TR Turc
EN Anglais
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Get help from your friend to learn foreign languages!