
Echange avec Ozjack


Prénom Jack
Pays natal KR Corée du Sud
Pays actuel TW Taïwan
Age 45
Sexe Homme
Langue natale KO Coréen
Langues étudiées ZT Chinois (Taïwanais)
EN Anglais



Hi I am Jack.
Recently moved in Taiwan, Zhubei in Hsinchu county.
I started to work in here.
I am totally new here as well as Chinese language.
I have lived in abroad couple of years.
I would like to learn Chinese, but I am really beginner level.
But I can speak Korean, English, and a bit of Japanese.
If you would like to practice Korean and/or English, please feel free to contact with me.
I am interested in watching some sports, especially baseball, and coffee and trips.
I hope every one enjoys their daily lives.

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Prénom Jack
Pays actuel TW Taïwan
Langue natale KO Coréen
Langues étudiées ZT Chinois (Taïwanais)
EN Anglais
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