
Echange avec Nikitaj


Prénom Nikita Konovalov
Ville Volgograd
Pays natal RU Russie
Pays actuel RU Russie
Age 22
Sexe Homme
Langue natale RU Russe
Langues étudiées JA Japonais
ZO Chinois (Autres)
EN Anglais



Hey! My name is Nikita, I come from a very big country in Russia. I am in college in my 2nd year as an elementary school teacher and special education teacher, I am fond of boxing, I love drawing and someday I want to go to Japan to draw anime there. I have been fond of this for about 7 years. I was hooked on this non-standard and interesting thing - Japanese culture. From early childhood I dreamed of a trip to this amazing "country of the future." Anime captures with its interesting plot and unexpected twists, and even with the background of the picture work, sometimes the drawn character seems so alive and real that it is very difficult to move away after an exciting viewing of the anime. Manga helps you to feel in the world that you find behind the pages of this book. Manga helps me to relax and read with interest, and sometimes even profitably. I am very grateful to Japan for such masterpieces as anime and manga.

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Prénom Nikita Konovalov
Ville Volgograd
Pays actuel RU Russie
Langue natale RU Russe
Langues étudiées JA Japonais
ZO Chinois (Autres)
EN Anglais
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