
Echange avec Montruc


Prénom VG
Pays natal IN Inde
Pays actuel IN Inde
Age 33
Sexe Homme
Langue natale EN Anglais
KN Kannada
Langues étudiées DE Allemand
FR Français
IT Italien
ES Espagnol



HI all, I'm VG from India. I'm a lifelong learner and learning languages is a part of that way of life for me. My strongest languages are English and German and I am here to primarily find partners to practice my french and spanish, I'm at a reasonable high intermediate level at Spanish and at intermediate with French. Both of them need to be seen, heard and corrected by native or fluent speakers to achieve true fluency.

When I'm not busting my head over languages I enjoy reading philosophy, science and history books and forums, writing my ideas into articles and essays, walking or running long distances. I hope to make some good language buddies in here, cheers!

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Prénom VG
Pays actuel IN Inde
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