
Echange avec Michael2


Prénom Michael
Ville Dublin
Pays natal IE Irlande
Pays actuel IE Irlande
Age 38
Sexe Homme
Langue natale EN Anglais
Langues étudiées PT Portugais
ZH Chinois (Mandarin)



Hi all,

I'm from Dublin, Ireland. Native English speaker with degree in English. I speak a very small amount of Mandarin and interested in having an exchange with anyone interested in practicing their English. I recently started learning Portuguese and it would be great to practice a few words.
Interested to meet any English learners with other languages as well!

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Prénom Michael
Ville Dublin
Pays actuel IE Irlande
Langue natale EN Anglais
Langues étudiées PT Portugais
ZH Chinois (Mandarin)
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Get help from your friend to learn foreign languages!