
Echange avec Mehdiatc


Prénom Mehdi
Ville Alger
Pays natal DZ Algérie
Pays actuel DZ Algérie
Age 40
Sexe Homme
Langue natale AR Arabe
EN Anglais
FR Français
Langues étudiées JA Japonais




Hi. I'm Mehdi. I'm an air traffic controller and an English instructor. Part of my job is teaching and testing pilots and air traffic controllers. I help them improve their language proficiency to perform better at their jobs. I also teach general English to others, designing lessons that suit their needs and likes. I'm a language lover myself, trilingual in English, Arabic and French. I'm learning Japanese at the moment. I love the language, the country and the culture. Feel free to reach out!

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Prénom Mehdi
Ville Alger
Pays actuel DZ Algérie
Langue natale AR Arabe
EN Anglais
FR Français
Langues étudiées JA Japonais
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Get help from your friend to learn foreign languages!