
Echange avec Mattvgo


Prénom Matt
Ville Makati
Pays natal PH Philippines
Pays actuel PH Philippines
Age 29
Sexe Homme
Langue natale EN Anglais
TL Philippin (Tagalog)
Langues étudiées JA Japonais
ZH Chinois (Mandarin)



Hi everyone, I'm Matt :)

I was born and raised in the Philippines where I now work as a trader at a financial institution. English is my primary language, but I do also speak a bit of Tagalog and Fukien (Chinese dialect).

I'm currently learning Nihongo so that I can enjoy Japan, its people, and its culture in a deeper way the next time I visit. Aside from this, I would be more than willing to teach English in exchange!

Hobbies: fitness, piano, anime/manga, rollerblading

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Prénom Matt
Ville Makati
Pays actuel PH Philippines
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Get help from your friend to learn foreign languages!