
Echange avec Maity1


Prénom Tyrin
Ville Columbia
Pays natal US États-Unis
Pays actuel US États-Unis
Age 28
Sexe Femme
Langue natale EN Anglais
Langues étudiées RU Russe
HE Hébreu



My name is Tyrin. I am from the US and I am interesteed in being able to speak Hebrew and Russian fluently. I will gladly teach you English. In my free time, I like to dance, and I am currently learning how to sew. I also like to ice skate as well. My goal is to move overseas and master as many languages as I can to communicate and connect with people across the world.

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Prénom Tyrin
Ville Columbia
Pays actuel US États-Unis
Langue natale EN Anglais
Langues étudiées RU Russe
HE Hébreu
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Get help from your friend to learn foreign languages!