
Echange avec Maaris


Prénom Marie
Pays natal FR France
Pays actuel FR France
Age 40
Sexe Femme
Langue natale FR Français
Langues étudiées DE Allemand
EN Anglais



Hi, I am Marie from France and I am looking to improve my English and in exchange, I hope I can help you improve your French ;-)
I have also started to learn German, as a complete beginner, so it could be interesting as well to be in contact with a German native speaker.
I like to to draw, to learn new things, nature and animals, arts, crafts, music,...
Talk to you soon!

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Prénom Marie
Pays actuel FR France
Langue natale FR Français
Langues étudiées DE Allemand
EN Anglais
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Get help from your friend to learn foreign languages!