
Echange avec M_palas


Prénom Mariana
Pays natal BR Brésil
Pays actuel BR Brésil
Age 24
Sexe Femme
Langue natale PT Portugais
Langues étudiées EN Anglais



Hi, my name's Mary. I love books, music, movies, make new friends and to talk about many things. I'm planning to do exchange in a near future so I wanna to learn English more than I know now and speaking with someone is the best way. It doesn't matter I will not to talk/answer you if you not speak English ^^ I like to know other cultures and I think it's alsome to know people so far away from me. Don't be shine, let's talk

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Prénom Mariana
Pays actuel BR Brésil
Langue natale PT Portugais
Langues étudiées EN Anglais
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Get help from your friend to learn foreign languages!