
Echange avec Lucilka


Prénom Lucy
Ville Amsterdam
Pays natal SK Slovaquie
Pays actuel NL Pays-Bas
Age 23
Sexe Femme
Langue natale SK Slovaque
Langues étudiées DE Allemand
FR Français



Hi! :)
I'm Lucy. I'm always smiling, studying, traveling, and doing aerial acrobatics and yoga. I like to be organized, know what is going on in my life when the deadlines are, and I love to be productive. But at the same time, I am very easygoing, and spontaneous could definitely be my second name. I love adventures and doing things on a whim.
I come from a small country in central Europe - Slovakia, and I have already had a chance to live in Berlin, Toronto, and a bunch of cities in the Netherlands. I am currently based in Amsterdam and would love to learn some French as I LOVE the country, its cuisine, architecture, nature, and lifestyle. I don't speak any French.
I would also love to polish my German too. It used to be pretty decent (keyword: used to). I haven't spoken German in around 5 years, so there is definitely some space for improvement.
I could help with English or Slovak if you are interested haha. English is not my first language, but I have been living in an English-speaking environment for the past couple of years, have a North American accent, and believe I could teach you something :)
If you think you could help me with either French or German, I would love to hear from you!

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Prénom Lucy
Ville Amsterdam
Pays actuel NL Pays-Bas
Langue natale SK Slovaque
Langues étudiées DE Allemand
FR Français
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Get help from your friend to learn foreign languages!