
Echange avec Laurapb


Prénom Laura
Ville Cáceres
Pays natal ES Espagne
Pays actuel ES Espagne
Age 32
Sexe Femme
Langue natale ES Espagnol
Langues étudiées EN Anglais



Hello! My name is Laura and I live in Cáceres (Spain). I am looking for a language exchange partner to practice English. I would be happy to help you to learn Spanish in exchange.
I am 30 years old and I am a master's student at the university and I want to improve my level of English.
I love series and movies. My favorite plan is to stay home with a good meal and reading a book.
Write me! :)

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Prénom Laura
Ville Cáceres
Pays actuel ES Espagne
Langue natale ES Espagnol
Langues étudiées EN Anglais
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Get help from your friend to learn foreign languages!