
Echange avec Hanhduong188


Prénom Duong
Ville Tromsø
Pays natal VN Vietnam
Pays actuel NO Norvège
Age 25
Sexe Femme
Langue natale VI Vietnamien
Langues étudiées EN Anglais
NO Norvégien


Facebook XXXXXXX
Instagram XXXXXXX


Hi my name is Hanh, I'm 25 and I'm looking for a friend to practice speaking English with me or Norwegians , in return , I can help you learn Vietnamese if you want to. I am currently living in Norway now . I love reading , especially manga , besides that , i also love playing video game (Steam) and Pubg mobile :D .
We can be friend and learn about each other . I only look for serious study buddy , we can exchange our culture and tradition :D I can send you or tell you about the special dishes of my country or sight-seeing , etc . Hope we can be friend.

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Prénom Duong
Ville Tromsø
Pays actuel NO Norvège
Langue natale VI Vietnamien
Langues étudiées EN Anglais
NO Norvégien
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Get help from your friend to learn foreign languages!