
Echange avec G_ball


Prénom Graeme
Ville Toronto
Pays natal CA Canada
Pays actuel CA Canada
Age 43
Sexe Homme
Langue natale EN Anglais
Langues étudiées JA Japonais
ZC Chinois (Cantonais)
FR Français



I am Graeme. I have just returned to Canada after living in Tokyo for a number of years. I have also lived in Norway for 1 year. I currently work in Toronto as a Health Economist for a pharmaceutical company. I love to sing and have performed with choirs in Canada, Japan, and Norway. My spoken/written languages are English and Japanese. I am keen to improve my French and continue to improve my Japanese.

My hobbies include singing opera (semi-professionally), combative martial arts (kung fu, fight club), singing with a folk band (just released a CD last year), and continuous learning (currently undertaking a part-time PhD).




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Prénom Graeme
Ville Toronto
Pays actuel CA Canada
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Get help from your friend to learn foreign languages!