
Echange avec Fabiochapaaro


Prénom fabian
Ville Bogota
Pays natal CO Colombie
Pays actuel CO Colombie
Age 26
Sexe Homme
Langue natale ES Espagnol
Langues étudiées PT Portugais
FR Français



im just trynna find someone who's willing to help me out with French and Portuguese but more French than Portuguese because I already know Spanish and they are alike so it's not such thing as hard to learn although with French I do need assistance to learn that lovely language....
listen to proposal , hit me up if u wanna do some sort of language exchange

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Prénom fabian
Ville Bogota
Pays actuel CO Colombie
Langue natale ES Espagnol
Langues étudiées PT Portugais
FR Français
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Get help from your friend to learn foreign languages!