
Echange avec Excessively


Prénom Aysha
Ville Barisal
Pays natal BD Bangladesh
Pays actuel BD Bangladesh
Age 23
Sexe Femme
Langue natale BN Bengali
EN Anglais
HI Hindi
Langues étudiées DE Allemand
IT Italien
KO Coréen
RU Russe
AV Avar
EN Anglais
FR Français



I'm Aysha from A small city of Bangladesh.I used to be a students.My native language is Bangla.I'm always very passionate,interested about learning new things and skills since childhood,that's why i have a tons of hobbies and dream and day by day It's increasing and That's reason,i live a very interesting and fresh life with a full of energy and a lots of satisfaction,even if i go through a tougher situation.My believe is,life just goes on.And,being interested of learning to different languages,also the direct effect of that passion i have just mentioned above. I'm looking for a language partner,who can able to co-operate me the best from the respective position ,i'll also try to my best to co-operate.But,my language partner should be generous enough,despite of being skill in so many language and wanted to helping a person like me who only proficient of 3 languages.That's why i would like to appreciate who'll want to my language partner first.Bestest of the luck both for us.Hope we're going well.

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