
Echange avec Delacruzdhc


Prénom Donna Hope
Ville Manille
Pays natal PH Philippines
Pays actuel PH Philippines
Age 23
Sexe Femme
Langue natale EN Anglais
ZL Philippin (Autres)
Langues étudiées ZH Chinois (Mandarin)



大家好!我叫懂希希、Hope. 我今年二十岁了,我学心理学在大学生。我想要会说汉语好,我喜欢阅读有关文化和语言的文章.我想成为一名新闻记者和旅行作家。

My name is Hope. I am 20 years old, I study Psychology in college. I wish to converse with many people as possible in Chinese! I like reading about culture and languages and art, so please teach me about yours! I want to become a journalist and travel writer.

My Chinese is not that good, but I just need someone to listen. I will listen to you speaking Chinese and you can ask me questions. I'll try to return the favor in English.

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Prénom Donna Hope
Ville Manille
Pays actuel PH Philippines
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Get help from your friend to learn foreign languages!