
Echange avec Christi


Prénom Christine
Pays natal CZ République tchèque
Pays actuel CZ République tchèque
Age 22
Sexe Femme
Langue natale CS Tchèque
EN Anglais
Langues étudiées FR Français
KO Coréen
ZH Chinois (Mandarin)
ES Espagnol
JA Japonais


Instagram XXXXXXX


my name is Christine. I'm 21 years old and I live in Czech Republic.
I'm looking for a language exchange partner to study Japanese and French.
I'd be happy to help you learn Czech and English in exchange.
I want to know more about other cultures, especially about the Japanese one.

Something about me:
I love music (I don't have a specific music taste), fashion, books and movies.
I'm learning English and French at school. I'm learning Japanese on my own. I want to start learning chinese, korean, spanish and so much more, but uuh, who has time for all that, so maybe someday. :D

PS: I just started to learn Japanese language by myself so I really need some help. :)

The fact that I'm interested in Japan doesn't mean that I don't want to make friends from anywhere else. Feel free to contact me wherever you are! :)
Have a nice day

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