
Echange avec Ame11111


Prénom ame
Ville Tokyo
Pays natal JP Japon
Pays actuel JP Japon
Age 19
Sexe Homme
Langue natale JA Japonais
Langues étudiées EN Anglais



Hi! I'm japanese.I'm high school student.I'm 15 years old.I'm studying English.I was born and raised in Japan. My English is still inexperienced, so I may not be able to communicate, but please forgive me at that time. If you teach me English, I would like to teach Japanese as much as possible. My Japanese vocabulary is still immature, so there may be words I don't understand, but I hope I can teach you as much as I can.By the way, I quite rely on Google translation.😂
よろしくお願いします!初心者なのでわからないことばかりです。どうか優しくしてくださるとうれしいです 😁

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Prénom ame
Ville Tokyo
Pays actuel JP Japon
Langue natale JA Japonais
Langues étudiées EN Anglais
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