
Echange avec Ahmad_osama_musleh


Prénom Ahmad
Ville Salmiya
Pays natal JO Jordanie
Pays actuel KW Koweït
Age 29
Sexe Homme
Langue natale AR Arabe
Langues étudiées HI Hindi
KN Kannada
ML Malayalam
SI Cingalais
TA Tamoul
TE Télougou
UR Ourdou
BN Bengali



Hello, I am Ahmad! I live in Kuwait and work as an engineer. I have interest in the languages of the Indian Subcontinent (i.e., Hindi, Urdu, Bengali/Bangla, Telugu, Malayalam, Tamil, Kannada, Sinhala, etc.), yet I don't have much knowledge in them. I would like to contact with any gentleman (male) who can teach me one of those languages, and is maybe interested in learning Arabic so that I can teach him in return!

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