
Echange avec _nela_


Prénom Nela
Pays natal HR Croatie
Pays actuel HR Croatie
Sexe Femme
Langue natale EN Anglais
ES Espagnol
HR Croate
Langues étudiées KO Coréen
ZH Chinois (Mandarin)



I am Nela :)
I like a lot of things, languages being one of those. My native is Croatian, but these days I use English more often.
I also speak Spanish.

Currently I am studying Mandarin and Korean because I was intrigued by a languages that have a totally different structure than European languages.
I believe languages open new doors and offer new perspectives.
Hopefully, they also bring new friends :D

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Prénom Nela
Pays actuel HR Croatie
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Get help from your friend to learn foreign languages!