
Álava Echanges de langues

  1. Echange de langues
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  3. Álava


Langue natale :  Espagnol
Langues étudiées :  Anglais
Hi! I'm from Spain and I want to improve my English :)
Langue natale :  Espagnol
Langues étudiées :  Coréen, Chinois (Cantonais), Anglais
Hi! My name is Marina. I´m from Spain. Now I am learning English, Korean and Cantonese. I like to learn new languages ​​and meet people in different places. I just want sincere friends who are willing to maintain a friendly relationship with me for a long time. If you want someone for a short time to flirt or kill time, I am not the right person for you. :) 1-I do not respond if they are not long messages 2-I'm not for relationship or flirting but to exchange languages 3-I do not respond very quickly to messages