
Aalborg Echanges de langues

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Langue natale :  Anglais, Turc
Langues étudiées :  Allemand, Danois
I'm working as an engineer in Denmark, I would like to practice Danish
Langue natale :  Danois
Langues étudiées :  Polonais
Bonjour, Je m'appelle Christian et je vis à Aalborg au Danemark. Je cherche un partenaire linguistique pour étudier le polonais. Je serai heureux de vous aider à apprendre le danois en échange.
Langue natale :  Danois, Néerlandais
Langues étudiées :  Mongol
Hi, I'm Ole from nothern Denmark. I'm a software developer, meaning I know how to build IT systems not neccessarily how to use them. I'm always busy doing stuff and my friends say I have 30 hours in a regular day. So please don't get me started on my week's plans. But most of all I'm interrested in a bit of everything and everyone 😌✨ As most people here I love language and being able to converse with people in their native tongue. So I'll be visiting Mongolia in not that long, so I have decided to learn mongolian. Wish me luck...
Langue natale :  Danois, Anglais, Japonais
Langues étudiées :  Coréen
Hello! My name is Christina, I am a 20 year old mother from Denmark, I am currently trying to start learning korean but it’s hard for me to to find the time to study with a child around. My boyfriend is korean so I really want to learn the language so I can speak with his family and friends when we are in Korea, and also if we one day move there. I speak English, Danish and conversational Japanese I am looking for someone who would have time daily to text! And at least Weekly time to make a Call/FaceTime! It would surely help me improve! I did the same back when I learned Japanese and it helped me so much! I would really love my language Exchange partner to be a Girl 16-25 years old! But any other gender or age might be okay as Well :-) please reach out to me if you are interested! こんにちは! 私の名前はクリスティーナでデンマーク人です、20歳ハーフ子のお母さんです。今韓国語を勉強したいと思いましたけどやっぱり子供いるので勉強するのがちょっと難しいのでここで探してみます。彼氏さんが韓国人ので彼の言語すごく気になった。彼氏さんの家族と友達と話すことできるように勉強したいです。 いつか韓国にも引っ越するかも知らないから。 うちがデンマーク語英語と日本語話してます、まぁ日本語が会話だけぐらいけどね 私が探してるのlanguage partnerが16歳〜25子間にの女の子、それじゃなかったらその以外でもいいけど、やっぱり一番いいのがそれだと思います  私に興味ありますならよかったら、私のKakaoタークに連絡してね :)
Langue natale :  Danois, Anglais
Langues étudiées :  Russe
Hi there, my name is Thomas and I am from Denmark. I speak intermediate English, but I would be happy to help as much as possible either Danish or English. I have just started learning Russian, but I thought a person to talk to would be a much better way than just using the online courses. Feel free to message me :)
Langue natale :  Chinois (Mandarin)
Langues étudiées :  Anglais
My mother language is Chinese, and I want to improve my English