
Echange avec Eldoktor


Prénom Sami
Ville La Mecque
Pays natal EG Égypte
Pays actuel SA Arabie saoudite
Age 37
Sexe Homme
Langue natale AR Arabe
Langues étudiées DE Allemand
EN Anglais



Hi, my name's Sami. I'm 31 years old. I graduated from faculty of languages and translation department of German. I’m interested in computer science, learning another languages, music, sport and fantasy literature. My dream is to study computer science and to go to America and stay there for a long time. I want to get a job there as a computer scientist. So i wanna practice and learn English with native speakers via email, text chat, voice chat or meet up for face to face conversation exchange.

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Prénom Sami
Ville La Mecque
Pays actuel SA Arabie saoudite
Langue natale AR Arabe
Langues étudiées DE Allemand
EN Anglais
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Get help from your friend to learn foreign languages!