
Echange avec Dolton12


Prénom youness
Ville Fès
Pays natal MA Maroc
Pays actuel MA Maroc
Age 28
Sexe Homme
Langue natale AR Arabe
EN Anglais
FR Français
TR Turc
Langues étudiées ES Espagnol
RU Russe



Hello, my name is youness and I am from Morocco. I love learning languages and have just started learning Spanish and Russian.
I believe it will be a great journey. and also I do love it when I can help others achieve their goals.
if you do want to learn English, French, Arabic, or Turkish. don't hesitate just text and we will help each other , even if you don't know much.
we can help each other and that is how thing life goes.

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Prénom youness
Ville Fès
Pays actuel MA Maroc
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Get help from your friend to learn foreign languages!