
Echange avec Avinashp


Prénom Avinash
Ville Delhi
Pays natal IN Inde
Pays actuel IN Inde
Age 38
Sexe Homme
Langue natale EN Anglais
HI Hindi
MR Marathi
Langues étudiées ZH Chinois (Mandarin)
ES Espagnol




I'm a senior business executive. I've travelled to over 45 countries across Asia, Europe, Africa, North/ Central/ Latin America, for both work and leisure. I like to visit new places and experience new cultures. Free time is spent on reading up on socio-political changes, catching up with friends over drinks or playing some sports (soccer/ tennis). Interested in learning Mandarin and Spanish due to the quantum of countries/ people it helps communicate with. Can teach English, give business pointers on strategy and execution, and give cultural nuances across multiple geographies in return.

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Prénom Avinash
Ville Delhi
Pays actuel IN Inde
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