
Echange avec Asl1234


Prénom Asl
Pays natal SG Singapour
Pays actuel SG Singapour
Age 24
Sexe Femme
Langue natale EN Anglais
MS Malais
Langues étudiées JA Japonais



Hi! I am Naomi!

I am currently trying to study Japanese. Would be helpful if I can find a native to help me with learning Japanese or some people interested to study Japanese together

In exchange, I can help you with your English.

Likes: rock/pop/epic/classical/violin music, reading, watching dramas/tv shows, warm/hot weather

More of an introvert than extrovert.

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Prénom Asl
Pays actuel SG Singapour
Langue natale EN Anglais
MS Malais
Langues étudiées JA Japonais
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Get help from your friend to learn foreign languages!