
Taïwan Echanges de langues

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  3. 🇹🇼 Taïwan


Langue natale :  Anglais, Chinois (Mandarin)
Langues étudiées :  Anglais
Hi! My name is Eugenia. I was born and raised in Taiwan and moved to California at the age of 17. I consider USA as my second home since I spent the majority of my adulthood living there until my return to Taiwan about 8 years ago to keep company with my mom. Coming back to Taiwan marks as a new beginning in my life where I spent most of my time nurturing my physical health and spiritual growth, both of which are things that were definitely not my priorities working in a corporate world in the US. I wake up every morning feeling profoundly blessed and grateful to be given the time and desire to live my best and most meaningful life. My purpose of joining the Language Exchange site is to not only provide assistance on learning Chinese while giving myself an opportunity to keep up with English, but I also hope to find friends online who share common interests as mine such as health and wellness, reading, foods (I am a coffee fanatic!) and an appetite to learn from each other how to live the best life!!
Langues étudiées :  Japonais, Anglais
Hi, I am in Taiwan, mandarin is my native language, and also I am learning English and Japanese, If you will, we can exchange language experiences, Wish we can study and grow together.
Langues étudiées :  Anglais
*Currently quite busy* I speak Mandarin, English and Malay. Now I'm studying in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Planning to study in USA in the future, so I would like to advance my English speaking skill. (Feel free to text me if you would like to do the language exchange with me!)
Langues étudiées :  Anglais, Italien, Japonais
こんにちは、梁と申します。 日本の文化が興味がありますので、日本語を勉強しています。 今まで日本語を一年半に勉強しています(大体N3)。 でもコミュニケーションはなかなか上手にならない… 日本語を話す機会は少ないからです。 もし、あなたは中国語を習いたい、コミュニケーションしたい、言語交換しましょう! zoom、ms teams 、line、Google meet、skype どれでも大丈夫です! ありがとうございます😊 Hi I’m Francis. I’m live in Taiwan. I’m study English for a while of time. I really want to improve my English conversation. If you wanna learn Chinese and also find someone to practice Chinese conversation, let's become the language exchange partner!
Langue natale :  Chinois (Mandarin)
Langues étudiées :  Anglais, Espagnol
Hello, I am Yi-Chuan. I took English as major during my days in University. After graduating from school, I still hope to have a partner to practice English speaking. Also, I'm considering picking up Spanish recently. So, please contact me if you're interested in learning Chinese, Mandarin, and able to practice English speaking or help with Spanish learning. We can practice on Skype. Meanwhile, I've been learning violin for 1 yr and still just a beginner. So if you happen to be in Taiwan and look for a partner to practice together, that will be nice too. Hope to hear from you! :)
Langues étudiées :  Japonais, Coréen
Hi, My name is Kevin, I am from Taiwan. I always want to be fluent in Japanese and Korea because i like culture, food and language of both countries. If you are interested in Mandarin and your are native Japanese or Korea, let's be language exchange partner It will be fun.
Langue natale :  Chinois (Mandarin)
Langues étudiées :  Anglais, Russe
hi everyone. I am from Taiwan. Would like to learn Russian/English for exchange. Other languages, you might write to me to check. If you would like to learn Mandarin, please feel free to contact me.
Hi, I am Simon and now 25 years old. My mother tongue are Chinese and Taiwanese i'm interested in learning languages! my level of language B2 - German B2- English beginner of Japanese and Thai
Langues étudiées :  Anglais
放寒假!想尋找交換語言的朋友! My English is not often used in real world(usually on quiz papper), so I'm looking for a chance to practice English! I know both Mandarin and Taiwanese, if you are learning these we can exchange language!
Langue natale :  Chinois (Mandarin)
Langues étudiées :  Anglais
Bonjour, Je m'appelle Ting-Li. J'ai 26 ans et je vis au Taïwan. Je cherche un partenaire linguistique pour étudier l'anglais. Je serai heureux de vous aider à apprendre le chinois (mandarin) en échange.