
Italie Echanges de langues

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  3. 🇮🇹 Italie


Langue natale :  Espagnol
Langues étudiées :  Anglais, Russe, Italien
Ciao! Sono Germán di Argentina. Sono nipote di italiani, come tanti argentini, e voglio iniziare la mia avventura in giro per il mondo nel paese dei miei nonni😊 Presto viaggerò in Italia e voglio praticare il mio italiano il più possibile, sento un grande legame con questa lingua e so che mi renderà molto felice poterla parlare con dei nativi! E voglio anche saperne di più sulla cultura italiana, in particolare sulla musica, la storia e i costumi, e, naturalmente, anche fare amici! Я давно изучаю русский язык, и мне это очень нравится! Я открыл для себя этот язык и эту очень интересную культуру и решил встречаться с людьми и учиться с ними. У меня появилось много друзей и я встретил очень хороших людей! На самом деле они уже часть меня!😊 Я бы хотел продолжить обмениваться с вами историями и языками! Кстати, я очень люблю русский рок, я даже выучил несколько песен!😁 I also want to practice my english to communicate with people around the globe, i'm very curious about cultures and different stories and i'm glad English gave me this opportunity!! I have many interests, and i discover new ones every time, specially about art, sports, history and more, lifestories are my favourite, i really get inspired by them! Just feel free to write! Saludos!!
Langue natale :  Italien
Greetings to everyone! I'm just a somewhat young adult who lives in the mountains in Italy that has a certain degree of interest in learning new languages and possibly getting to know new people while at it. I llike Gardening, walking, hiking, cooking, diy, anime, music and much more...
Langue natale :  Italien
Langues étudiées :  Anglais
Sposato, ho 2 figlia che vivono e lavorano a Londra
Langue natale :  Anglais, Italien
Langues étudiées :  Français, Thaï
Hello there. I am a semi retired lady with a passion for languages. At the moment I am trying to learn Thai, a challenge but really enjoyable. I am looking for a partner who wants to learn Italian or practice English in exchange for pasaa Thai ;) - I am barely a beginner though. As for French; I studied it long time ago and I I would like to brush it up. Again, more than happy to help you with Italian or English!
Langue natale :  Italien
Langues étudiées :  Espagnol, Roumain, Anglais
I live in Sicily, I want to improve my english and spanish language.
Langue natale :  Italien
Langues étudiées :  Russe
Ciao! Mi chiamo Ascanio, sono italiano, parlo inglese e tedesco piuttosto bene. Sono molto interessato nella cultura e lingua russa, quindi sto cercando qualcuno con cui imparare il russo. Ti insegnerò volentieri l’italiano e la cultura della mia terra.
Langue natale :  Italien
Langues étudiées :  Norvégien, Norvégien Bokmål
Vorrei esercitarmi facendo conversazione in norvegese. Posso insegnare Italiano, Olandese (livello C2), Inglese (livello C2). Avendo studiato varie lingue sono versato nella grammatica
Langue natale :  Italien
Langues étudiées :  Anglais
Hi! I'm Loris, 33 yo. I work as a videogames' game designer, and I like everything related to games. I also like Movies, Music, TV series, Cartoons, anime, Manga, Reading, etc. Also, I don't consider myself to be too much into sports, but still, I like it. I like Japan and its culture. I hope I will find some nice people to practice my English, especially speaking. Let's have some good together!
Langue natale :  Italien
Langues étudiées :  Anglais
Hi, My name is Alessandro. I'm an italian boy and I'm 21. I'm a university student, always ready to learn, meet new people and cultures from other countries!
Langue natale :  Italien
Langues étudiées :  Danois, Anglais
Hi, I'm Cristina I come from Italy and I'm 34. I'm graphic design I love art and music, I go to the gym I like play sport and dance. Now I want learning English for myself and for if possible go abroad to find a work and speak with all person from over the world. If you want to write with me in Italian or in english contact me.. I'm only looking To learn a language and nothing more :)