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Hi stranger reading this from across some part of the world, how are you?
Im a brazilian living in Paraguay and although my spanish is no good, im really looking foward to improve my english. Maybe you're the one that could help me (and i could help you with portuguese).
But above all, im looking for conection. I would love to have meaningful conversations and build a friendship (these things are so rare these days, don't you think?).
Some things about me:
I'm christian
I’m a missionary working in YWAM full time
I have a cat named Venus (very important to add)
I love art in general so i like to spend my time reading, listening to music, watching a movie or looking to images of paintings i could never paint myself haha.
I'd like to get to know you.. Feel free to send me a message,
take care dear stranger.
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Soy italiano nativo y trabajo en inglés.
Estoy viviendo en Paraguay y quiero mejorar mi castellano y acento paraguayo en particular.
Sonó italiano e lavoro in inglese. Vivo in Paraguay e voglio migliorare il mio spagnolo e l accento paraguayano in particolare
I’m Italian and I do business in english. I’m living in Paraguay and I would like to improve my Spanish with paraguayan accent
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kkn-- Kuo lfatuk Shoamhye, kuo lkumsh bayda naydur, hehyadap, kaskeh, tadharf Ksausalrek, sabterk funremt. Fyra kuo lfelh sarkey oueth kuof syfko hadur karf kuof trayanp lhadur shry
esp-- saludos, soy paraguayo, me gustan las nuevas tecnologias, historia, ciencias, geopolitica, intercambio cultural, ahora deseo practicar mi idioma ingles y principalmente mi idioma ruso.
eng-- greetings, i am a paraguayan, i like the new technologies, history, sciences, geo-politics, cultural exchange. now i want improve more my english language and mainly my russian language
рус-- здравствуйте. я парагвайец, мне нравятся новые технологии, история, науки, геополитика, культурный обмен. сейчас я хочу улучшить мой английский язык и в основном мой русский язык
(kkn ylyd kuof atneyr lyfak hadur, klyenka hadur/rus это мой собственный искусственный язык, клиэбка язык/eng this is my own constructed language, klybeka/esp esto es mi propio idioma artificial, klybeka/fra c'est ma propre langue artificielle, klyebka/deu das ist meine eigene künstliche sprache, klybeka/ara هذه لغتي المصطنعة, كليبكا /zho 这是我自己的人工语言,克莱布卡)
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Que tal, soy un adolecente al cual le fascina la cultura japonesa, y no me refiero solamente al anime, sino a las costumbres, leyendas y folklore, realmente me gustaria aprender mucho más sobre este idioma.
I also speak english very well, even thou is not my first lenguaje i can fully understand and express myself in a conversation.
Hello, my name is Marco, I am an Engineering student, I am trying to learn several Asian languages so that I can travel as soon as the pandemic is over, I greatly appreciate any advice you have in general.
I speak basic Italian, Portuguese and Spanish at an advanced level, my favorite movie is The Godfather, my favorite series of books is The Lord of the Rings, I have no musical preference.
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Je m'appelle Jorge jac. J'ai 27 ans et je vis à Asuncion en Argentine.
Je cherche un partenaire linguistique pour étudier l'anglais.
Je serai heureux de vous aider à apprendre l'espagnol et le guarani en échange.
Hola todos!! soy Anika.. arquitecta jr., retratista, amante de las plantas, buena comida, explorar rincones poco conocidos de las ciudades etc.. de familia multicultural... suelo mezclar los diferentes idiomas al hablar sin darme cuenta... he perdido un poco del alemán y portugués después de salir de la casa de mis padres..
estaría agradecida en poder practicar el inglés.. ayudo con el español y/o alemán básico...
hasta pronto :)