
Coïmbre Echanges de langues

  1. Echange de langues
  2. > Ville >
  3. 🇵🇹 Coïmbre


Langue natale :  Portugais
Langues étudiées :  Anglais, Japonais
My name is Francisco Cristo, and I am from Coimbra, Portugal! I speak portuguese, english, spanish, and (a little bit of) japanese! I would like to meet new friends from all over the world! You can send me friend request as you like...! I'm looking for people that are learning Portuguese language, and people from Japan, Korea, China, USA and UK...! I will accept everybody! I have Facebook too... I love jpop and kpop music ^^ 私の名前はフランシスコ・キリストです。 私はコインブラ、ポルトガル出身です。 私はポルトガル語、英語、スペイン語、そして少し日本語を話します! 私は世界中から新しい友達に会いたいです! あなたが好きなようにあなたは私に友達リクエストを送ることができます...! 私はポルトガル語を学んでいる人たち。。 僕は日本がとても好きなので、私は日本人を探しています。。。! みなさんを受け入れます! 私は「フェイスブック」も持っています... 僕はLINEのアプリがあります! jpopとkpopの音楽が大好き!
Langue natale :  Anglais, Polonais
Langues étudiées :  Portugais
Hi! I was born in Poland but grew up in Canada and so I speak fluent English. I'm an English teacher, too! I've spent 13 of the last 17 years living in Japan, and I am a fluent speaker of that language. I know some Spanish from when I lived there and am now learning Portuguese. I enjoy chatting about all kinds of things and with all kinds of people. I hope to meet some people to help me with my Portuguese. I can offer help with English and Japanese, but not Polish, because it's an insane language to teach! I look forward to meeting up with some interesting language partners. ;-)
Langue natale :  Hongrois
Langues étudiées :  Portugais
Foreign languages I speak fluently: English (advanced), Spanish (intermediate), Danish (advanced) IMPORTANT: I'm only using this platform to meet people in Portugal (where I recently moved to) and to practice Portuguese with them. Thank you for your understanding. <3 ABOUT: I'm half-Hungarian, half-Cuban and soon-to-be-Danish, currently working remotely at an NGO in the UK. I absolutely adore everything art-related (especially weirder pieces), I myself have performed as a dancer, aerial silks artist and performance artist. My background is in psychomotor therapy, the intersection of psychology, physio therapy and education. I will be in Coimbra till about January/February and would love to pick up some Portuguese. Eu ja falo espanhol, entao entendo muito.:)
Langue natale :  Portugais
Langues étudiées :  Anglais
Sou uma mulher que gosta de aprender, comecei o ingles no curso porem nao consigo memorizar, entendo escrita porem a fala me pega, acredito que somente a convivencia vai me ajudar, porque minha memoria... me abandonou !
Langue natale :  Portugais
Langues étudiées :  Français, Italien, Anglais
Hello! I am Carlos, I am here to meet some english native speakers fellas. I can exchange with portuguese or spanish :)