
Blida Echanges de langues

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Langue natale :  Arabe
Langues étudiées :  Français, Anglais
Im an english teacher and im working currently as an administrative agent. im hoping to improve my english accent . ilke to know about other cultures and customs, i also like to discover and try new things .
Langue natale :  Arabe
Langues étudiées :  Anglais, Russe, Ukrainien, Espagnol
Hello. I am here to meet new friends from several countries from all over the world for the purpose of learning from their culture, understanding their thinking, enjoying a good time chatting and practicing several languages to improve linguistically, It doesn't matter if you're a boy or a girl and I don't care about your color or your nationality, everyone is welcome, my heart is wide enough for everyone, like the green meadows of Mongolia!😁 or maybe Switzerland or Vietnam hahaha my hobbies are: -Draw -Read meaningful books -Writing novels and stories -bike riding -Dubbing videos into several languages for practice and improvement -Hiking. Reading Wikipedia, watching documentaries, exploring and wanting to learn something new...
Langue natale :  Arabe, Français
Langues étudiées :  Anglais
Bonjour, Je m'appelle mohamed et je vis à Blida en Algérie. Je cherche un partenaire linguistique pour étudier l'anglais. Je serai heureux de vous aider à apprendre l'arabe et le français en échange.
Langue natale :  Arabe
Langues étudiées :  Allemand, Anglais
Bonjour, Je m'appelle msiouri. J'ai 21 ans et je vis en Albanie. Je cherche un partenaire linguistique pour étudier l'allemand et l'anglais. Je serai heureux de vous aider à apprendre l'arabe en échange.
Langue natale :  Arabe, Français
Langues étudiées :  Anglais, Italien
i am Abdo ,i am an arabic native speaker, i recently got my master's dgree in law and i would like to improve my english speaking i want to learn more about english becuause it is too important and i have a future plan to go abroad to pursue my studies i like reading novels especially from victorian period My sense of rigor, my open-mindedness, my taste for foreign languages and the goal of acquiring other cognitive and professional skills are the assets that have enabled me to join you on this website .
Langue natale :  Arabe, Anglais, Français
Langues étudiées :  Coréen
hello i am learning korean so please help me and i will help u too
Langue natale :  Arabe
Langues étudiées :  Coréen
Bonjour, Je m'appelle دموع. J'ai 20 ans et je vis à Blida en Algérie. Je cherche un partenaire linguistique pour étudier le coréen. Je serai heureux de vous aider à apprendre l'arabe en échange.
Langue natale :  Arabe
Langues étudiées :  Anglais, Français, Hindi
جيت نقرعج والله الصمااااااطة
Langue natale :  Arabe, Français
Langues étudiées :  Allemand
my name is mustapha Mesbahi 23 years old I am student in electrical engineering I would like to improve my german , because I would like to study in germany I enjoy many things: going for a walk, hiking, swimming, culture, art, music, cooking, eating out etc. If you feel like getting in touch with me I am happy to receive your message. Thanks a lot. Warm regards, Spanopera
Langue natale :  Arabe
Langues étudiées :  Coréen, Italien
Hi everyone ???? I'm an algerian girl I'm a native arabic speaker and i also speak english french and a little bit of korean spanish and italian and I'm looking for a language exchange If you are interested you can send me a message ????????
Langue natale :  Arabe
Langues étudiées :  Français, Anglais
Bonjour, Je m'appelle Yacine. J'ai 25 ans et je vis à Blida en Algérie. Je cherche un partenaire linguistique pour étudier le français et l'anglais. Je serai heureux de vous aider à apprendre l'arabe en échange.
Langue natale :  Arabe, Français
Langues étudiées :  Allemand, Italien
I am mesbahi Mostapha student in electrical engineering at saad dahleb university I would like to learn Italian language I have professional experience in Arabic speaking and I am also advance in french .
Langue natale :  Arabe, Français
Langues étudiées :  Anglais, Allemand
Iam mourad from algeria, I want to improve my English language, I work as a physician, I love to travel, photography, and fitness sport
Langue natale :  Arabe
Langues étudiées :  Français, Anglais
Hi everyone! Nice to meet you!! My name is Nabil! I am from Algeria. I can speak Arabic of course, and English (but not perfectly). Now I learn English and French. Also I want to meet interesting people here, to help me to study it. If you can natively speak English or French, feel free to contact me Let's help each other! :)