
La Paz Echanges de langues

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Langue natale :  Espagnol
hi everybody! Im learning English, Italian, portugues and German by myself. If you have some question about Spanish Language, dont hesitate and send me a message (it is free, in this way I improve my english) to my IG do_novan5179. youtube fernando alonso céspedes. thanks and have a nice day
Langue natale :  Espagnol
Langues étudiées :  Italien
Ciao, mi chiamo Jhonatan, ho 31 anni, mi piacerebbe migliorare il mio italiano, sono Boliviano e voglio andare in Italia molto presto
Langue natale :  Espagnol
Langues étudiées :  Anglais, Chinois (Mandarin)
Hello everyone, I am looking forward to meeting you. My name is Shirley. I would like to improve my English and practice it as well. I enjoy discussing hobbies, pastimes, preferences, music, food, sports, and more. Please feel free to reach out. Thank you very much.
Langue natale :  Langue des signes (Bolivie)
Langues étudiées :  Langue des signes (Russie), Russe
Hello my name is Andres I want to learn sign language (Russia) and Russian language I am going to travel in Russia
Langue natale :  Anglais, Espagnol
Langues étudiées :  Japonais, Chinois (Mandarin), Allemand
Hello. I am Hector and I am 29 years old. I live in Bolivia. I am a Spanish native speaker and I am fluent in English. I work as an English Spanish interpreter so I can help you to learn both languages. In exchange I would like to learn Chinese, German or Japanese, though at the moment I am focused in Chinese. I have many interests such as music, history, technology. I am finishing my studies in Electronic Engineering so I can also help you with those subjects if needed. I can be a really cheerful person, but I take my studies seriously.
Langue natale :  Espagnol
Langues étudiées :  Français, Italien, Portugais, Anglais
Hi, my name is Ricardo. I´m Bolivian. My native language is Spanish. I am looking for a language exchange partner. I'd be happy to help you to learn Spanish in exchange.
Langue natale :  Espagnol
Langues étudiées :  Allemand, Italien, Portugais, Anglais
Me gustan los idiomas, ahora estoy de visita en bolivia y me gustaría seguir practicando sobre todo inglés.
Langue natale :  Anglais
Langues étudiées :  Espagnol
I live in Mexico and I would like to become fluent in Spanish. I have much to learn, but I am excited for the journey. Let me help you with English and you help me with Spanish. Que divertido!
Langue natale :  Espagnol
Langues étudiées :  Allemand, Russe
I'm linguist and Spanish teacher pationate for languages. I like to listen music and read about animals.
Langue natale :  Espagnol
Langues étudiées :  Allemand, Anglais
Hi everyone! I'm Samantha and I'm leaning English and German. I'm an outdoor enthusiast and lanscapes lover and my biggest dream is to travel the world. I enjoy read books and watch films but I have many other interest like music, anime, 70's fashion, photography and nature. I hope to make a lot of friends and maybe some day visit their countries.
Langue natale :  Espagnol
Langues étudiées :  Coréen, Anglais
Hi nice to meet you i want practice languages 😙😙
Langue natale :  Aymara, Espagnol
Langues étudiées :  Chinois (Mandarin), Japonais, Anglais
Bonjour, Je m'appelle Laura et je vis à La Paz en Bolivie. Je cherche un partenaire linguistique pour étudier le chinois (mandarin), le japonais et l'anglais. Je serai heureux de vous aider à apprendre l'aymara et l'espagnol en échange.
Langue natale :  Espagnol
Langues étudiées :  Français, Anglais
Hi! If you are reading this, thanks for taking the time. I am currently studying English and French. And I would like to find lasting partners with whom to practice, I will also gladly help with Spanish (I am a native speaker!). Also, I think it would be wonderful to share cultures, thoughts, interests or even everyday life. :) I'm a little quiet, but I love creativity much more music I like to play the guitar and sing. So, if we keep in touch, I will probably ask a lot! Haha Greetings, have a great day!
Langue natale :  Espagnol
Langues étudiées :  Russe
¡HOLA! Me gustaría aprender el idioma ruso y hacer amigos con quienes poder practicar.
Langue natale :  Espagnol
Langues étudiées :  Russe
Hello!. I'm Raldo from Bolivia, South America. I'm a native speaker of Spanish and I'd love to learn Russian, that's why I visit this website and I really hope I can understand native speakers of thislanguage and speak like them some day. I'm not good at giving some advice but If you want to improve your Spanish speaking skills, the only thing you can do is to practice. So, let’s practice Spanish if you want.
Langue natale :  Espagnol
Langues étudiées :  Russe
Hello!. I'm Raldo from Bolivia, South America. I'm a native speaker of Spanish and I'd love to learn Russian, Korean and Chinese , that's why I visit this website and I really hope I can understand native speakers of these languages and speak like them some day. I'm not good at giving some advice but If you want to improve your Spanish speaking skills, the only thing you can do is to practice. So, let’s practice Spanish if you want.
Langue natale :  Aymara, Espagnol
Langues étudiées :  Coréen, Anglais
Bonjour, Je m'appelle Gabriel. J'ai 25 ans et je vis à La Paz en Bolivie. Je cherche un partenaire linguistique pour étudier le coréen et l'anglais. Je serai heureux de vous aider à apprendre l'aymara et l'espagnol en échange.
Langue natale :  Espagnol
Langues étudiées :  Anglais, Japonais
はじめまして (^_^) わたし は ルイス です。 どうぞ よろしく おねがいします。 Well, I love to read and know more about other cultures, I have a calm personality and I enjoy outdoor activities, I love the adventure, the outdoors and especially the mountains, I have climbed several mountains in my country Bolivia and I even have a blog dedicated entirely to the Cordillera Real. Professionally, I am a Tourism Consultant and currently I am also a student of Economics; I also play the charango (a bolivian 10-stringed instrument that's like a small guitar), I love photography and every time I travel I take as many photos as I can, and finally I love cooking.