
Sofia Echanges de langues

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  3. 🇧🇬 Sofia


Langue natale :  Bulgare, Anglais, Français, Russe
您好。我想练习中文认识中国朋友很高兴。我是素食主义。很喜欢旅行在东亚洲。交好朋友。 はじめまして 言語交換をお願いします。 会話のできる友達を探しています。私は自立心や独立心の強い、本当の大人の人が好きです。 菜食主義者です。科学、運動、自然、動物、スヌーカー、音楽(太鼓その他)、芸術が好きです。 仕事の機会を探しいます。東洋の文化に興味があります。日本と韓国の文化教えてください。ブルガリアに来てくれれば、山岳に導くできます。宜しくお願いします。Давайте с падежами разобрёмся:)! Увлечения и интересы 武术、瑜珈、技術、動物植物、登山、水泳、東医学、弓、自転車、
Langue natale :  Bulgare
Langues étudiées :  Tchèque, Anglais
Hi, I'm currently interested in practicing Czech language. I can speak it ok, I've studied it on and off as a hobby in the span of the last 8 years. I can speak English and Russian on a decent level and I'm also interested in Spanish and French, but that's for later :D I love listening to music in different languages (and genres too, but I have some preferences :D ) You can find me on almost every platform with the same nickname.
Langue natale :  Bulgare
Langues étudiées :  Japonais
My japanese level is N4-N3 and i'd love to improve my vocabulary and speaking skills overall. My native language is bulgarian and I can speak english almost fluently. I like chess, anime & snowboarding and would love to make some japanese friends :D
Langue natale :  Anglais
Langues étudiées :  Coréen
Hi, I am Maya. 백지장도 맞들면 낫다 I am learning Korean at the moment, so I am looking for people who want to improve their level of English (speaking, grammar, pronunciation, etc.), my tutoring experience is over 1.5 years :) And the people who will help me start speaking Korean fluently. My interests/hobbies: horse-riding, music, literature and sports. Look forward to having a chat:)
Langue natale :  Bulgare
Langues étudiées :  Anglais, Allemand
Hello! My name is Maya and I am from Bulgaria. I'd like to meet new people and have fun conversations. I want to improve my English (B2+) and my German (B1). I like to read books, watch movies, listen to music, have fun talks, long walks, and run in the park I am living nearby. I like science, tech, cars, fashion, makeup, and many others, so we can have a great variety of topics to discuss while having fun practicing. If you are interested in great and long conversations and want to practice any of the 2 languages I am interested in, feel free to message me. NB! I am a vivid writer and I tend to write long and intense answers. If you don't like such kind of communication and it irritates you or just don't want to spend time reading long messages, please don't contact me. Thank you! P.S. If I don't answer immediately please be patient and wait a bit. Sometimes I need a couple of hours to write back. See you soon :)
Langue natale :  Bulgare, Russe
Langues étudiées :  Allemand, Anglais, Français
Hey everybody, I am here to mainly practice my French. So if there is anyone interested, I will be happy to meet. Also, I would not mind to just have a chat with new people that speak Russian, Bulgarian, German or English. From time to time it's fun.
Langue natale :  Bulgare, Anglais
Langues étudiées :  Chinois (Mandarin), Coréen, Allemand
Hi, I'm Anna. I'm from Sofia, Bulgaria. I am fluent in English and German, native in Bulgarian and am currently studying Korean and Mandarin. If you want help in any of the other languages or want to help me with my studies, feel free to text me.
Langue natale :  Russe
Langues étudiées :  Anglais
Привет, я ищу с кем практиковать английский.
Langue natale :  Polonais
Langues étudiées :  Allemand, Espagnol, Russe, Anglais
Hey! My name is Mateusz and I would like to meet someone to speak in Russian or German. I do know both of the languages quite well, especially Russian but I would like to practice , so that I dont forget them. I speak English fluently but I guess there is always space for improvement so feel free to contact me if your native language is English as well. Recently I have started learning Spanish but I am not sure whether my Spanish level is good enough to hold a conversation yet...I guess we could try that too. I a an open-minded person interested in history, art, travels.
Langue natale :  Bulgare, Anglais, Turc
Hi all, I live in abroad for many years. I am from Turkey and looking for language exchange to practise and improve my pronunciation skills in German, so I can help you with Turkish, English and Bulgarian.
Langue natale :  Anglais, Tamoul
Langues étudiées :  Bulgare
I'm a Student I'm doing my MBBS Tamil and English Watching TV
Langue natale :  Bulgare
Langues étudiées :  Sanskrit, Français
Hello. Looking for someone to practice my French with, in exchange I will help with Bulgarian or English. I also looking Thank you.
Langue natale :  Bulgare
Langues étudiées :  Anglais, Chinois (Mandarin)
Bonjour, Je m'appelle Monica. J'ai 23 ans et je vis à Sofia en Bulgarie. Je cherche un partenaire linguistique pour étudier l'anglais et le chinois (mandarin). Je serai heureux de vous aider à apprendre le bulgare en échange.
Langue natale :  Bulgare, Anglais
Hi, my name is Tony and I'm trying to learn as many languages as possible! I'm a native Bulgarian and quite fluent in English. I can help you with those languages as well as Chinese and I'm looking forward to new language partners and friends!
Langue natale :  Bulgare
Langues étudiées :  Anglais, Italien, Grec moderne
Bonjour, Je m'appelle Verginiya et je vis à Sofia en Bulgarie. Je cherche un partenaire linguistique pour étudier l'anglais, l'italien et le grec moderne. Je serai heureux de vous aider à apprendre le bulgare en échange.
Langue natale :  Bulgare, Anglais
Langues étudiées :  Néerlandais
Hi. I'm looking for someone to help me learning Dutch language on a funny way.
Langue natale :  Bulgare
Langues étudiées :  Anglais
Bonjour, Je m'appelle Tanya et je vis à Sofia en Bulgarie. Je cherche un partenaire linguistique pour étudier l'anglais. Je serai heureux de vous aider à apprendre le bulgare en échange.
Langue natale :  Bulgare
Langues étudiées :  Croate, Russe, Serbe, Anglais
I am Stoyan and I live in Sofia, Bulgaria. I am born here, but I like to travel abroad, meet different people and different cultures, and of course, learn new languages and practice the languages I already know. The list of my practicing languages is not complete, I just speak them, English and Russian fluently, and I know Serbian and Croatian passively, which means I still need to practice more speaking. One thing which is interesting about me is, that I speak English with American accent and Russian with Russian accent, basically with no trace of any foreign accent. Even in the languages I didn't learn yet, I can still read a text with the relevant accent. This is if I may say, something like a sub-hobby to my hobby - learning languages. Besides this, I am interested in music, latin dances, martial arts, and many others.
Langue natale :  Arabe
Langues étudiées :  Bulgare, Anglais
Bonjour, Je m'appelle Mohammad. J'ai 28 ans et je vis à Sofia en Bulgarie. Je cherche un partenaire linguistique pour étudier le bulgare et l'anglais. Je serai heureux de vous aider à apprendre l'arabe en échange.
Langue natale :  Bulgare
Langues étudiées :  Anglais
Hi everyone!! I’m Erika and I’m fond of traveling and meeting new people) I learn English and I need help)) please don’t hesitate text me. I’m funny and sociable)